Key Worker System

When you enrol your child at Stepping Stones Nursery School, you and your child will be introduced to the staff team who will be dedicated to the care and development of your child in their designated playroom. Your child will also be allocated a key-worker. This is a specific member of staff in the room who will help your child to settle in quickly and who will be your child’s primary care giver in nursery. The key worker system also enables you and your child to have a familiar person as an immediate contact.


We believe that careful planning is required to ensure that play is of a high quality. Your allocated key worker will ensure that your child engages in a wide range of  purposeful play activities. This helps to plan future experiences and opportunities to build your child’s knowledge, skills and abilities, which will lead to new learning and development.


Your child’s key worker will be responsible for monitoring your child’s progress, identifying their next steps in learning/development and maintaining their achievement folder.